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General info

Welcome to SmartWEB!


We set up this site because we found that many users could identify the problem and troubleshoot their devices on their own, from their homes, if they got the appropriate assistance.


We will guide you through the repair and insurance steps, and hopefully one of the many options will help you find the optimal solution to your problem.


If your device has a problem that can't be fixed at home, you can choose from the service shops / drop-off locations operated by Vodafone and the manufacturers. With this, we try to provide the best and most accessible service to you.


In this menu, you can find help about the general settings of your device, in a question-answer format and you can also reach the manufacturer's support sites easily.


Help homepage

Unable to use the Internet? Unable to receive MMS? Are you struggling with email settings?

We collected manuals and configuration guides for your device.


Questions and Answers

You have questions, but do not dare to ask? You need help, but you lack time?

Find the answers to frequently asked questions that might be useful for you, too.


Manufacturer's support

You didn't get an answer in the previous step, or you would like to ask the manufacturer?

Use this menu to find service provider-independent help.


Under General Information, we collected News and Information that may be useful if you are interested in mobile technology.