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Further queries

In this menu, find out how to track the repair process of your device - initiated at a Vodafone drop-off location -, or how to check the locking of Apple devices.


Find drop-off location

Find the nearest service shop or drop-off location.You can filter results by location, service or manufacturer. Click on the selected location for more information and we'll email you the information if requested.


Repair status

You can check the current repair status of your device dropped off at a Vodafone location, and get information about the expected time of completion.

To start a query, you will need the device; if you dropped it off at a location, you will need the data sent to you in a text message, or the IMEI number - proof of receipt number.

Find more information in the Questions and answers >> Where do I find the data that should be entered into Service Monitor?" section.


Check 'Find My iPhone' status

The Apple products - iOS version 7 and onwards - come with an automatically activated Find iPhone/iPad feature. This feature locks the device, making it impossible to service or repair it.

As long as the 'Find My IPhone' feature is active, our colleages are not able to start to repair your device. Before leaving your device at the service shop, please check if this feature is active; please disable it if necessary.


Insurance number check

If you have an Insurance number, but do you know that have been used to, still valid or you want to know the status of the claims process, which is, you can get use our online Insurance number check tools for this information.